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Function Wins

First Town Hall Meeting

Employee Picknic 2021.jpg

On August 27th, Leadership temporarily paused operations at FoB 10 and took that time to address employees throughout all Pennsylvania Locations.


The evolution of the company and the History of Function was discussed along with some of the major strides the business has been able to take in recent years due to the efforts of the Function of Beauty Family, not only in Pennsylvania, but in Michigan, New York, Connecticut, and everywhere that Function functions.


Timelines for growth, the product line, safety, and education were discussed along with the promise that events like these, both large and small and at all locations, will continue into the future.


Function functions as an industry leader in personalized hair care because of it's employees.


Thank you all for the work that each and every one of you do each hour, shift, day, week, month, and year to make Function no only a successful organization, but a great place to work!

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